Have you ever noticed how candlelight changes the mood in a room? The flame somehow has a peaceful, calming effect that seems to fill the space. Just compare how you feel when stepping into a sports bar filled with TVs and a restaurant glowing with candlelight. The energy is completely different.
In the Jewish faith, we strive for calm and tranquility during our weekly celebration of Shabbat. And so we begin our Friday evening ritual with the lighting of candles. Although customs differ slightly, this ceremony is typically started 18 minutes before sunset. I’m often struck by the mental image of candles being lit in homes across the country in a progression that follows the Earth’s rotation around the sun.
Typically, a married woman lights the candles, but girls in the family may also be allowed to do the honors. In fact, many families give the young daughter her own candle to get her started in the tradition. We have our daughter participate in this way to help reinforce her Jewish education.
At least two candles are lit, one to focus on “remembering” Shabbat, and the other on “guarding” it. Many families embrace a lovely tradition of lighting a candle for each of their children, never taking any away even after the children are grown.
Here’s how the ritual goes: First, the woman (if married, she wears some type of head covering) lights the candles. Next, she draws her hands around the candles and toward her face three times, symbolically drawing the warmth, light, and spirit of Shabbat into herself. Then she covers her eyes with her hands and recites the Shabbat blessing. The woman might take an extra moment at this point to thank God for blessings of family, health, and prosperity. Or, a few minutes might be spent in silent prayer.
Finally, she uncovers her eyes to take in the glow of the candlelight and the love of family and friends.
The lighting of Shabbat candles is one of the beautiful rituals in our religion. What better Jewish gift could there be than a special set of candlesticks for a young girl or a couple setting up their own Jewish home? Check out our online catalog, where you’ll find Shabbat items in a wonderful variety of styles and materials. Meaningful Jewish gifts like these, no matter what the occasion, is a welcome addition to every household. You’ll be remembered fondly and frequently – at least once a week.