Have been running these for my departed ones. Today is for Rebbe. Now gotta get these old fingers to open the bases to replace the batteries. GRIN.
After charring my window blinds with a real candle, I was skittish to use another. A Jewish friend in Sweden told me about these flameless candles. I purchased three for my windows and not only did they beautifully honor my parents (one died June 9, the other June 10)...they were shipped at warp speed. I will forever be grateful for receiving these so quickly and for reducing my stress.
I am so impressed. I have the tendency to burn myself and I thought I'd try this --- I was pleasantly surprised! The price is unreal for what you are getting as well. I highly recommend this little gem!!!
Nice and really looks authentic with out a cord
Much safer way to pay respects to a loved one. Beautiful faux candle that flickers like a real flame.